An error occurred in Sitecore Experience Editor

While working on Sitecore Site — I faced an error for few pages in the experience editor. As always quickly I tried to search on google to find the solution, but I didn’t found any solution related to an error. And the reason is — The error that I was getting was totally different on the browser while the actual problem was something else.

Error:  An error occurred. [Log message: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: version]


After some efforts, I checked the logs and below error was getting logged:

27000 10:55:53 ERROR Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: version
Exception: System.ArgumentNullException
Message: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: version
Source: Sitecore.Kernel
at Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.ArgumentNotNull(Object argument, String argumentName)
at Sitecore.Data.DefaultDatabase.GetItem(ID itemId, Language language, Version version)
at Sitecore.ExperienceEditor.Speak.Ribbon.Requests.Workflow.AreItemsInFinalWorkflowState.GetItemsFromRequestValue()
at Sitecore.ExperienceEditor.Speak.Ribbon.Requests.Workflow.AreItemsInFinalWorkflowState.ProcessRequest()
at Sitecore.ExperienceEditor.Speak.Server.Requests.PipelineProcessorRequest`1.Process(RequestArgs requestArgs)

This was surprising. Many blogs I referred but none of them was specific to this issue.

Then I tried to remove the layouts one by one by replacing the wrong placeholder-key, that too didn’t worked. I thought there might be an issue with this specific item or template. But NO, the issue was, I was having few renderings which were not required and having the different placeholder-key which didn’t exist in any of the other renderings.

After properly assigning renderings and removing unnecessary renderings everything seems perfect!

I hope this helps some people and save few minutes of investigation!

Happy Sitecoring! 🙂

2 thoughts to “An error occurred in Sitecore Experience Editor”

  1. Steps to reproduce the issue –

    – Open the page in Experience Editor which is already in approved/final step with Admin user
    – There should be many renderings within other rendering. e.g. Layout -> 1 Column -> IntroSection
    – Now, please remove “1 Column” [Parent] rendering without removing “IntroSection” [Child] rendering from Experience Editor
    – Save the changes
    – You will be able to see error message as in screenshot or as shown in log.

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