Eloqua Insight | Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) | Eloqua Series | Part 5

Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) is very useful for Reporting. It is one of the powerful tools by Oracle which provides very good reporting and insights into all the activity happening with your account on Eloqua.

With Oracle BI, we get an option to obtain reports for all the Email Campaigns, Individual Emails, Forms, Custom Data Objects, Contacts, and a lot more. The very good part with Insights is that you can schedule these reports to your Email Inbox Daily/Weekly or on a specific day as per your needs. We have configured almost 100+ reports that are sent to stakeholders in accordance with the business needs. And all of this is automated! We try to avoid manual work as much as possible and insight helps us to achieve easily.

Oracle Business Intelligence

By default, when you first load the Oracle BI – You need to navigate to the Shared Folder and you’ll see the list of all the default reporting options that are available. Oracle has done a great job of defining the default useful reports for all the business domains.

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Custom Data Objects [CDO] | Eloqua Series | Part 4

On Oracle Eloqua, Custom Data Objects [CDO] play an important role because they allow you to store 25 million entries. 

Custom Data Objects

If you already have Eloqua you might be aware that it only allows a certain number of records in the Contacts database/table and that depends on the package that you go with. Let’s suppose it’s 1 million. The size of your contacts database will also grow as you enhance your application, and Eloqua Contacts won’t be able to handle all the information.

With the help of CDO, you can store a large set of data in an organized manner. You can have one-to-one or one-to-many relationships. you need to set any unique field as a Key so with the form submission you need some Unique ID. For a one-to-one, If you set an Email Address as a Unique ID – then the system will always update that same email address record with the new set of updates. For a one-to-many, If you set the Submission ID as a Unique ID – the system will always add the new record. You’ll have an option to set the Unique Code Field which will define that an entry is of a specific Email Address. In the above diagram, I’ve shown a one-to-many relationship.

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